Saturday 14 April 2012

The Beginning

This post is mainly to show everyone what I've been up to lately, now that I've been a Master of Design student for about 6 weeks!

Our first deadline is mid May, where we have to present our Research Proposal for our project, and then hand it in for the Research Board to approve. I've found that the best way to approach these things is to spend about  65% of the time just making work, and the other 35% of time researching, reading and writing. With art project based research, everything should really center around the making- the more I paint the more clearer I become about what things I need to be researching, and how to articulate certain aspects of the written proposal.

I'm currently half way through making a series of three small paintings, which will be in a show called 'Natures Best', opening Monday 30th April 6.30pm, at Artists Den and Art Gallery in Takapuna. I'll put up pics in a couple weeks once I've finished them!

In the mean time, here are some of the drawings I've been doing over the last few weeks to get the ideas flowing. It was a great way to generate concepts, and has helped me decide what kind of directions I want to go in with my subject matter, and which ones I don't. Enjoy!